MedLog Settings

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After activating medical features and choosing the MedLog radio button:

1.Click the Pharmacies button.
2.If desired, use the list screen to create a list of pharmacies used by your clients.  (Note:  Users can enter pharmacies on the medical information tab on the client screen.)
3.Click the Sigs button.
4.If desired, use the list screen to edit the medication instructions preloaded into Titanium or add new medication instructions.  (Note:  Click in the active check box to deactivate instructions that you do not wish to use.)
5.Click the Discontinue Reasons button.
6.If desired, use the list screen to edit the reasons for discontinuing prescriptions which are preloaded into Titanium or add new reasons.  (Note:  Click in the active check box to deactivate discontinue reasons that you do not wish to use.)
7.  Click the Medications button.  (Note:  Titanium uses the FDA’s National Drug Code Directory which contains over 30,000 substances.  This list is updated when you install new releases of Titanium.)
8.  If desired, activate a subset of the substances on the medication list.
oClick the Edit icon on the menu bar.
oClick the Activate icon on the menu bar.
oChoose the desired option.  (Note:  It is recommended that you set up Titanium to show only standard counseling center medications, and other medications as required.)
9.  If desired, use the list screen to add/edit medications from the list.  (Note:  This is not recommended.  Instead, search for the desired medication and click the Active check box.  Preloaded medications cannot be edited.)
oProprietary name:  Brand name
oProprietary suffix:  Suffix to brand name
oGeneric name:  Drug name
oDosage form:  Method to use the substance (i.e. capsule, liquid, etc.)
oSubstance:  Drug name (often the same as generic name)
oStrength:  Amount of drug in dose (i.e., mg)
oUnits:  Strength per dosage form (i.e., mg/capsule)
10.  From the pull down menu, choose the type of note to be used to add medication information to the client file.  (Note:  To be used for this purpose, the note must be set up for required data to include "related medication or medication discontinuation."  It is recommended that medication notes are "progress" notes.)
11.  Click Users and Schedules tab > Users and Schedules button.
12.  Click the Edit button on the menu bar.
13.  If required, enter your user name and password, and click OK.
14.  Click on the user who you want to allow to create medication notes.
15.  Use the pull down menu to change the Prescriptions permission to "can transcribe medications" or "can prescribe medications."  (Note:  Users designated as Support Staff cannot transcribe or prescribe medication notes because these notes are confidential. Support Staff users do not have access to client files or confidential notes.)
16.  Repeat steps 15-16 for all users who will create medication notes.
17.  Click Save.
18.  Click Exit.
19.  Click OK.




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