Add Prescriptions

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What would you like to do?

oDocument medicine that a client reports taking
oDocument a medicine that I'm prescribing
oPrepare prescription to be issued


Document a Medicine that a Client Reports Taking


1. Navigate to the eRx portal by:

oRight click on an individual appointment, and click Client Medical, or
oFrom the client screen or client file, click eRx on the menu bar, or
oClick Open > eRx, click  Find Patient on the menu bar, and search for the client  (Note:  Electronic prescribing does not support special characters or punctuation marks in the name field like tildes.  If your client's name has special characters, those characters must be removed to prescribe medications.)


(Note:  You may see a message that some fields are required.  If so, edit the field on the client record, and then return to the eRx portal.)


2.  Click the Rx History tab.  (Note:  The drop down menu defaults to active prescriptions.  Click All Prescriptions to see the client's history associated with Titanium users.)


3.  Click External Drug History.


4.  If the prescription(s) being reported by the patient are listed, click to select the prescriptions and click Add Selected to History.  If not, click Close.  (Note:  Only prescriptions paid for with insurance plans will be shown.)


5.  Click Reported Rx.


6.  Add information for the prescription (e.g. date, drug, SIG, quantity, fill date, refills, pharmacy,  and prescriber etc.) (Note:  The magnifying glass allows searching for items.  The pull down arrow allows access to the saved favorites list or recommended items, depending on the field.)


7.  Click Save to save the prescription to the patient history.




Document a Medicine that I'm Prescribing


1. Navigate to the eRx portal by:

oRight click on an individual appointment, and click Client Medical, or
oFrom the client screen or client file, click eRx on the menu bar, or
oClick Open > eRx, click  Find Patient on the menu bar, and search for the client  (Note:  Electronic prescribing does not support special characters or punctuation marks in the name field like tildes.  If your client's name has special characters, those characters must be removed to prescribe medications.)


(Note:  You may see a message that some fields are required.  If so, edit the field on the client record, and then return to the eRx portal.)


2.  Click the Rx History tab.  (Note:  The drop down menu defaults to active prescriptions.  Click All Prescriptions to see the client's history associated with Titanium users.)


3.  Click New Rx.


4.  On the Benefit Plan, click the Select button next to the patient's insurance plan.  Click Use None if the patient does not have insurance or you aren't certain which option is correct.


5.  Add information for the prescription (e.g. date, drug, SIG, quantity, fill date, refills, pharmacy,  and prescriber etc.) (Note:  The magnifying glass allows searching for items.  The pull down arrow allows access to the saved favorites list or recommended items, depending on the field.)

oDepending on the insurance plan, you may see a list of preferred medications, generics, copays, and drug tiers.  Select the desired medication, or click Keep Current Drug.
oChoices on "issue via" depend on your permission level.  For controlled substances, prescribers must be set up for EPCS to issue electronically.  After clicking issue, users will be prompted to enter the passphrase they created and either open the app on their cell phone or enter a passcode from their phone app.  (If you forget your passphrase, contact your system administrator to ask that it be reset.)
oDepending on the patient history, DUR warnings may appear.  Enter override reasons for each warning and click "Accept & Return".  Or click Close and issue a different medication.


6.  Click Issue.


7.  Click Exit to return to the eRx portal home screen.




Prepare a Prescription to be Issued


Transcribers can prepare prescriptions to be issued by prescribers.


1. Navigate to the eRx portal by:

oRight click on an individual appointment, and click Client Medical, or
oFrom the client screen or client file, click eRx on the menu bar, or
oClick Open > eRx, click  Find Patient on the menu bar, and search for the client  (Note:  Electronic prescribing does not support special characters or punctuation marks in the name field like tildes.  If your client's name has special characters, those characters must be removed to prescribe medications.)


(Note:  You may see a message that some fields are required.  If so, edit the field on the client record, and then return to the eRx portal.)


2.  Click the Rx History tab.  (Note:  The drop down menu defaults to active prescriptions.  Click All Prescriptions to see the client's history associated with Titanium users.)


3.  Click New Rx.


4.  On the Benefit Plan, click the Select button next to the patient's insurance plan.  Click Use None if the patient does not have insurance or you aren't certain which option is correct.


5.  Add information provided by the prescriber (e.g. date, drug, SIG, quantity, fill date, refills, pharmacy,  and prescriber etc.) (Note:  The magnifying glass allows searching for items.  The pull down arrow allows access to the saved favorites list or recommended items, depending on the field.)


6.  Click Hold.


(Remaining steps are completed by a prescriber.)


7.  From the Titanium schedule screen, click Open > eRx.


8.  Click the underlined number next to New Rx(s) on the home screen of the portal.


9.  Click to check the prescription.


10.  Click Authorize.


11.  If the prescription is for a controlled substance, enter your pass phrase and either the code from the generator app or your phone, or tap the push notification on your phone to approve.




For additional assistance, please email the Titanium Support team or visit us online at