Password Reset

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Titanium Support is unable to log onto your Titanium application, if passwords are forgotten.  We cannot reset passwords.  Only users that your center director designates as System Administrators are able to do this.  Therefore, Titanium strongly recommends creating at least two System Administrator accounts, to allow access to the system if one user is unavailable, and creating at least one Temporary Emergency Access account, and storing the information securely in the center.


What would you like to do?

oReset a user password
oAllow emergency access to Titanium


Reset a User Password


1.  From the calendar screen, click Settings > System Settings.


2.  Click the Users and Schedules Tab > Users and Schedules button.


3.  Click Edit on the menu bar.


4.   Enter your user name and password on the pop-up window, if required.


5.  Double click the user on the Listing tab.


6.  On the Details and Security tab, click the Set Password button.


7.  Enter the new temporary password twice and click OK.  (Note:  Titanium requires strong passwords of 8-32 characters, containing at least one upper case and one lower case letter and a number.  Depending on your settings, symbols may also be required.  Passwords cannot be reused until 50 password changes have occurred.)


8.  Click Save.


9.  Click Exit.


10.  Click OK.


(Note:  The user will have to change their password after logging in with the temporary password.)




Allow Emergency Access to Titanium


Use this option only if all System Administrators are unable to log into Titanium.



1.  Locate the user  name and password for the emergency access account.  (Note: This was created when your center administrator set up Titanium.  It should be stored in a secure location in your center.)


2.  Log into Titanium using the emergency access account.  Titanium will open to the Users and Schedules screen in system settings.  (Note:  You will be unable to access any other screens in Titanium using this account.)


3. Reset the password for a System Administrator account.


4.  Log out of Titanium.


5.  Log in using a System Administrator account and new password.


6. Reset the password for the Temporary Emergency Access account.


7.  Store the new information for the emergency access account in a secure location in the center.



(Note:  All System Administrators will see a notification that the temporary access account has been used to access Titanium.)





For additional assistance, please email the Titanium Support team or visit us online at