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The Center for Collegiate Mental Health (CCMH) is a multi-disciplinary, member-driven research center focused on providing accurate and up-to-date information about the mental health of today's college students. Their mission is to bridge the gap between the science and practice of providing college student mental health services. CCMH has created a national database using de-identified data from college counseling centers nationwide. Centers that choose to participate in this initiative transmit data to CCMH and are allowed to access for research purposes.
What would you like to do?
(Note: If your center used CCAPS forms prior to Titanium Version 10.1, you can continue to use the prior CCAPS forms without charge. You will be unable to use CCAPS 2015 or newer unless you become a CCMH member.)
Participate in the Data Collection Initiative After setting up the tab, a center administrator will navigate to this tab monthly to transmit data to CCMH. 1. Obtain approval with your campus IRB for participation. (Note: CCMH can assist with this process.) 2. From the calendar screen, click Settings > System Settings > CCMH tab. 3. Complete the process for using the CCAPS forms in Titanium. 4. Enter your institution's name. 5. Click the pull down menus to select start and stop sending dates, and consent type. (Note: This will most likely be the dates defined by your IRB approval. If you choose client consent, then the CCMH Informed Consent data form must be included on your web component and present in the client file, or no data will be sent.) 6. Click the Enter information about your staff button. 7. Click Edit.
9. Click Save and Exit.
For additional assistance, please email the Titanium Support team or visit us online at