Add/Edit Recurring Appointment

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What would you like to do?

oAdd recurring appointment definition
oEdit all recurring appointments in the series
oEdit some recurring appointments in the series
oEdit one recurring appointment in the series
oDelete recurring appointments


Titanium automatically creates recurring appointments from the settings chosen by users.  The "recurring appointment definition" refers to the settings that users choose.  After Titanium has created appointments, those appointments can be changed by editing either the recurring appointment definition or individual appointments in the series.



Add Recurring Appointment Definition


1.  On the calendar screen, right click in the time slot/schedule where you want to add the first appointment.  (Note:  By default, weekend days are not displayed but this setting can be changed by your center administrator.  To navigate to days not displayed from the calendar screen, click the Go To button on the menu bar and use the calendar pop-up window to select the desired day, or use the arrow navigation icons.)


2.  Click Add > type of appointment to be created

oRecurring Individual Definition:  One client
oRecurring Group/Couple Definition:  Multiple clients
oRecurring Other Definition:  Does not involve clients (e.g., outreach, holidays, vacation, staff meetings, etc.)


3.  For recurring individual appointments:

oEnter the Student ID and hit the tab key, or
oEnter the full or partial last name and click Find.  Double click the client from the search list.


4.  Enter Appointment Information:

oSet the end date for the series or number of appointments to be scheduled.
oUse the filters to set frequency and recurrence.
oChoose an appointment code.
oAdd mode, location, description and comments as desired.  (Note:  Do not put confidential information in these fields.  Your center administrator may make mode and location required fields for some appointment codes.)


5.  If desired, click the Scheduling tab to add other users or resources (e.g. rooms, equipment) so the appointment is added to these schedules.


6.  For recurring group appointments, click the Clients tab:

oClick Add to search for individual clients one at a time, or
oChoose a group sign up sheet from the pull down menu, and click Copy Members.  


7.  Click Save.


8.  Click Exit.


Titanium will create appointments that match the definition, and place those appointments on the schedule.



Edit All Recurring Appointments in Series


1.  To edit all future appointments in a series:


oRight click on an appointment in the series and click Edit Recurring Series Definition, or


oDouble click on an appointment in the series, and click the Recurring icon on the menu bar.


3.  Make the desired changes.  (Note:  Appointment type cannot be changed.)


4.  Click Save.


5.  Click Exit.




Edit Some Recurring Appointments in Series


To edit only some appointments in a series:


1.  Right click on an appointment in the series.


2.  Click Split Series Definition.


3.  Click Yes.


4.  Right click on the appointment.


5.  Click Edit Recurring Series Definition.


6.  Make desired changes.  (Note:  Appointment type cannot be changed.)


7.  Click Save.


8.  Click Exit.




Edit A Single Recurring Appointment


1.  Double click the appointment on the schedule and click Edit, or right click and click Edit.


2.  Make desired changes.  (Note:  Appointment type cannot be changed.)


3.  Click Save.


4.  Click Exit.




Delete Recurring Appointments

Deleting appointments will remove them from Titanium, so they will not be included in reports.  You should only delete appointments made in error.  To delete appointments made in error:


1.  Right click on the appointment.


2.  Click Delete.


3.  On the pop up window, choose whether to delete the current appointment, all appointments in the series, or only appointments after a certain date.


4.  Click Ok.


5.  Click Exit.





For additional assistance, please email the Titanium Support team or visit us online at