Formatting Tips for Data Forms

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Titanium offers a wide range of formatting options so that you can make your data forms look and function the way that you want.  Here are a few tips:

oIf you’re creating data forms for use with the web component, clients should be able to complete the form in fewer than 15 minutes to avoid computer time outs.  Consider breaking longer forms into separate forms or adjust the time out period on the web component tab.
oData forms print in a single column down the left side of the page, and are double spaced between elements.
oCopy long text from other sources (like Word) and right click in Titanium text boxes to paste.
oTo center headings that are used as form titles, set the column to 2 of 3 with no other elements in the row, and set to right justified.
oFormat all headings and questions to word wrap.  Set headings and questions to word wrap prior to entering text.  Otherwise Titanium will not recognize hard returns (pressing Enter on the keyboard) to begin text on a new line.
oFor use with the web component only, you can use HTML tags to format headings and question text.  Users will see the tags if they access the forms from inside Titanium.
oAdd all elements and click the Preview button.  Then make formatting changes and Preview several times to ensure that data form appearance is as desired.
oDo not change the answer width or height from the default.
oFormat dividers at 3 pixel width with 6 pixels before and after.  This will add space before and after the dividers.
oWhen using 2 or 3 column layout, change Answer Vertical Position to Answer on Line After Question.  Otherwise, question/answer text will be too long to fit in the space.
oMany paper forms include multiple choice questions with an “other” and description line.  For data forms, use a multiple choice or drop down list question followed by a short or long text box with instructions to explain if the user chose “other” in the prior question.
oAnswer tables have the options for some limited formatting of the answers.  Use "Is Header" to make an option a header instead of a choice that can be selected.  Use Indentation Level to indent some answer options.  Use Checkstate from Children Only to cause an option to be checked if any option indented below it is checked.  Use vertical blanks to add blank spaces above the answer option.
oIf a multiple choice question contains more than 20 options, consider breaking it into two separate questions.   Put the first question in 1:2 column position, and the second in 2:2 column position.
oFor policy acknowledgments:  Use a mandatory check box question element to capture agreement.  Format Answer Horizontal Position as “Answer then Question.”
oFor client signatures:  Use a Signature and Only Accepts Valid Dates question elements.  Choose Answer Vertical Position as “Answer on line after question.  Put Signature in 1:2 column position, and date in 2:2 column position.



Question Types

Answer Format

User Action

Unique Elements

Drop Down List

Select single answer from list of choices

Create Answer Table with answer options

Check box

Click in check box to indicate response (i.e. check to agree with policy)


Multiple Choice

Check all answer options that apply

Create Answer Table with answer options

Option Group Yes/No

Click radio button to indicate yes or no answer


Option Group Numbers

Click in radio button to choose answer on numeric scale (Likert scale)

Top and bottom of number range

Include number meaning in question (what is low and high on the scale)

Integer values

Enter a numeric value as the answer

Enter lowest and highest numerical values (possible range from 0 to 999,999,999)

Text Box Short

Enter free text

(Note:  Text elements are NOT included in Titanium reports.)

On Formatting tab, enter the maximum length in number of characters (default is 50)

Edit Box

Enter free text

(Note:  Text elements are NOT included in Titanium reports.)

On Formatting tab, enter the maximum length in number of characters (default is 2000)

Only Accepts Valid Dates

Enter date in DD/MM/YEAR format (i.e., for reports of first occurrence or date of signature)


Date with Age Calculation

Enter date of birth in DD/MM/YEAR format



Use mouse or tablet stylus to sign the data form






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