Add Intern

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After adding interns as users and setting up supervision features, center administrators add intern records by:

1. From the calendar screen, click Open > Interns.

2.  Click the Add New Intern radio button, and click Ok.

3.  Use the pull down menu to select a user for whom to create an intern record and file.

4.  Use the pull down menu to select the assigned supervisor(s).

5.  Enter an ID for the intern.

6.  Enter the name that will be displayed in the intern record.  Middle name is an optional field.

7.  Click Ok.  Click Yes.  Click Ok.

8.  The intern screen will open in a new window.  Enter the desired information:

oContact Information tab:    preferred name, date of birth, email address, phones, addresses, photo
oIntern Information tab:  program information including name, adviser name and contact information, supervision dates
oDisability tab:  If you have chosen to use the disabilities features in Titanium, disabilities and accommodations of the intern may be listed on this tab
oSecurity tab:  By default, intern files are restricted to only the intern and supervisor(s) chosen when the intern record was created.  Changes in assignment can be made on this tab.  If the intern is removed, they will be unable to view their own file.
oFlags tab:  If you have chosen to use flags for interns, flags can be added/edited on this tab

9.  Click Save.  (Note:  If you are creating multiple interns at the same time, click New on the menu bar and repeat Steps 2-9.  Then exit all of the open windows at the same time.)

10.  Click Exit.



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