User Interface Tab

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On this tab, you can set defaults for the way Titanium behaves when you are logged in.  Options on this screen include:

Default application font:  Click the ellipse button (3 dots) to open the font selection window to choose a different font for the screens in Titanium.  (Note:  Some font type and size selections may result in display problems on some windows.)
Default application toolbar font:   Click the ellipse button (3 dots) to open the font selection window to choose a different font for the tool bars in Titanium.
Screen font for note narrative:   Click the ellipse button (3 dots) to open the font selection window to choose a different font for the narrative tab in notes.
Remember and reuse last report viewer zoom settings:  Click in the check box to have Titanium re-use the viewer settings on the preview screen for reports  (Note:  Zoom settings are accessed on the Page Width pull down menu of the report preview screen.)
Show advanced export options: Users with permission to generate reports can export some reports if this box is checked.
Alternate sound player:  Click in this check box to use an alternate sound player
Show tooltip:   Click the check box to see tool tips about right click menus when working with narrative text boxes
Display first line of note narrative:  Check this box to view the first line of a note in the client file view with the date and note author to label notes.
Show confirmation prompt for edit mode: Click the check box if you want Titanium to show a prompt if you click escape or cancel without saving changes.
Show confirmation prompt for overlapping appointments: Click the check box if you want Titanium to prompt you if changes to an appointment will cause an overlap with another appointment.
Show confirmation prompt for appointments moved using drag and drop. Click the check box if you want Titanium to prompt you if you edit appointments by using a mouse (drag, drop).
Number of items in drop down box:  Enter the number of items that should be displayed in drop down boxes (pull down menus) throughout the program.
Find Client Initially Active Field:  Use the pull down menu to choose the field where the cursor will be when the Find/Add client window opens.
Client / Intern File Default Behavior:  Choose whether client and intern files will open with all entries expanded, all entries collapsed or remember your last setting.
Default source folder for files to attach: Depending on the settings chosen by your center administrator, you may be able to set the default folder for attachments.  When you click to add attachments to notes, this is the folder that will open, and you will be able to navigate to other locations on your computer.  To set, click the ellipse (3 dots) button and use the Windows interface to browse to the folder.
Window settings persistence:  If you resize Titanium windows while working and want the windows to retain your custom sizing, click in the Remember and reuse window check box and click size and/or position to indicate what you want the program to remember.  To return to Titanium defaults, click in the Forget window settings check box and forget window settings now button.



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