Online Appointment Scheduling

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Online appointment scheduling is available for centers that are using the web component.  If your center does not have the web component, you can order at our website (


If your center is using the locally hosted web component that is installed on your server, your web component and database must be updated by your IT group before you can use online scheduling.  Navigate to Help > Version Information > Copy to Clipboard.  Open an email to with a request to update your web component in order to use online scheduling, and right click in the email to paste your version information.  Be sure to copy your IT group as well, so that we can send instructions directly to them.


Users will open time slots on their schedules for online scheduling by putting specific placeholders on their schedules.  The web component will display the open time slots to clients, based on the settings that the center administrator chooses.  After a client has chosen a time slot, their choice will be held for approval in the Approve Incoming Data screen and a locked appointment block will be placed on the user's schedule.  The appointment block will be unlocked and users can edit it after it has been approved.



To set up online scheduling:


1.  From the calendar screen, click Settings > System Settings.


2.  Click the Web Component tab.


3. If you haven't already done so, set up the web component.

4.  Click the Online Appointment Scheduling button.


5.  Check to Activate Online Appointment Scheduling.


6.  Click the Appointment Code List button.


7.  Click New on the menu bar.


8. Create appointment codes to be used for online scheduling.  (Note:  The purpose of this is to create placeholders to be used only for online scheduling.)


9.  Click the Online Appointment Scheduling tab for the code.


10.  Enter a description that will be seen by clients who are using online scheduling.


11.  Check the box to allow the placeholder for the code to be used for online scheduling.


12.  From the pull down menu, choose the appointment code that will be used when a client schedules an appointment.


13.  If desired, change the length of each appointment to be scheduled.


14.  If desired, change the format of options shown to clients when scheduling online appointments.  (Note:  A preview is shown under the text box.)


15.  Repeat steps 9-14 to create as many online scheduling placeholders as desired.


16.  Click Save and Exit.


17.  Use the pull down menu to select the security level of users who are allowed to use the online appointment placeholders.


18.  Enter the desired wait time.  (Note:  If you enter 0, clients will be able to schedule appointments that take place in the same hour that they picked the appointment slot.)


19.  Enter the number of days in the future that appointments can be scheduled online.


20.  Click the Web Component Menu button.


21.  Click Edit on the menu bar.


22.  To allow clients to schedule appointments after completing a set of forms:


Click the scheduling button on the desired line.
Click the check box Allow Clients to schedule an appointment.
If desired, click that clients are required to schedule after completing the forms.
If desired, click to associate any incoming forms with the appointment that the client schedules.
If desired enter the desired header text for the page.  By default, the header says "Please select an appointment."
Click the Applicable OAS Appointment Codes button.
Use the Titanium list screen to select the code(s) that will be used as placeholder(s) for the type of appointment that clients can schedule after completing the forms.
Click Ok.
Click Ok.


23.  To create a button for online scheduling with no forms:


Click New
Enter the Web Component Menu Option label for the button.
Choose the note type to be used.
Click the Scheduling button.
Click to require an appointment.
Uncheck the box to associate incoming data forms with the appointment, because there won't be any.
Click the Applicable OAS Appointment Codes button.
Use the Titanium list screen to select the code(s) that will be used as placeholder(s) for the type of appointment that clients can schedule after completing the forms.
Click Ok.
Click Ok.
If you want to provide a direct URL, enter a menu name.
If you want the button to be hidden, check the Hidden column.


24.  Repeat Steps 22 and 23 as necessary to allow scheduling, and click Save and Exit.


25.  Click the Messages button.


26.  Review and edit messages related to online appointment scheduling, and click Ok.


27.  Click Close.


28.  If using the hosted web component, click Send Settings to WC, and click Ok on the prompts to bring the web component back online.


29.  Click Ok.


30.  After online appointment scheduling is set up, notify users to add placeholders to their schedules to allow clients to schedule online.  If no slots are available for online scheduling, clients will see a warning message when they click a web component menu button that is set up for online scheduling.




For additional assistance, please email the Titanium Support team or visit us online at